Over 70 residents of the Palms RV Resort lovingly made 110 fleece blankets this season in hopes they will bring warmth and comfort to the recipients of Amberly’s Place. The blankets were presented by Barrie and Janet Penrice (from left) and Karen Samson, representatives of the resort, to Christian Segura (far right), forensic interviewer/trainer at Amberly’s Place.
PHOENIX, Ariz. - “The window had been my companion, a promise of a world safe on the outside the window was my hope of help on the other side," an emotional account of domestic violence from Arizonan Brianca Miller, heard by the governor and countless others, gathered in front of the Arizona Capitol building Monday night to commemorate the start of Domestic Violence Awareness month and to light Arizona purple. It’s an issue the state says will affect 1 in 4 Arizona women in their lifetime.